The Lie Of Hinduism

 🔴We often hear Indians say that Hinduism is the worlds oldest religion.🔴

However this is nothing but a lie , Hinduism didn't exist prior to the 1830s

Whether you're on YouTube , TikTok , Twitter and even Facebook you are certain to come across comments making this claim. However the reality of this subject is quite the opposite, in truth Hinduism is no where near the oldest religion on Earth but the more recent ones. In this blog I will go over the historical definition of the term " Hindu" , I will go over how Hinduism was coined and created in the 19th century by Britishers . From this you will come to relasie that Hinduism is a lie that has been fed to us by jignostic uneducated indians who have been fed to believe this nonsesne by the upper caste Brahmans as this only benefits them.

The term "Hindu" and it's actual meaning.

The term Hindu was always a geographical term mainly for the people of the indus valley ( modern day Pakistan) , on the basis that the majority of the Indus river is contained here.

The term "Hindu" is derived from "Sindhu," which refers to the Indus River. The ancient Persians, who interacted with the people living in the Indus Valley, used the term "Hapta-Hindu" to refer to the region around the Indus River. 
From "Sapta-Sindhu" it became "Hapta-Hindu" to describe the local inhabitants of the region.

The flowing river is the Indus

Over time, the name involved and became just Hindu.
This term was used as a geographical identity for the inhabitants of the land mentioned and had no religious context to it whatsoever.

From the term Hindu we get Hindusthaan as a regional term.
The term "Hindusthan" was first used by a 12th century AD Afghan dynasty of Muhammad Ghori.

The term Hindustan was used to describe the region the afghan dynasty ruled over which would be parts of Pakistan and some of India.

In conclusion prior to the British the term Hindu had been merely a geographicical description of people living in Modern Day Pakistan. However Hindusthan was a term that could include the entirety of the sub continent.

The British Colonisers and their creation of Hinduism in the 19th Century.

Hinduism is an umbrella term for all the various methodologies , cultural beliefs and practices.

This term is said to be first used by Sir Henry Thomas Colebrooke in the early 1800s.

When Sir Charles Winkins was translating the Baghavad Gita he  introduced the term Hinduism and this concept.

The term "Hinduism" is an umbrella term to describe the diverse religious and cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent was indeed coined by the British during the colonial period.

 British scholars began using the term "Hinduism" to refer collectively to the diverse religious practices and traditions found in India. The term was coined based on the word "Hindu," which had been used historically to refer to the geographical identity of the people from the subcontinent.

So in a nutshell Hinduism is an umbrella term for various different mythologies , practices and cultural beliefs all grouped up together by the British.

The term Hindu originated as a geographical description for what would be modern day Pakistanis and slowly became a description for the entire sub con due to the Afghan Dynasty.

The following extaxt does sum things up for us : 

Hinduism did not exist before 1830. It was created by the English colonialsts in the 1830s. This remarkable circumstance is evidenced by the fact that none of the travellers who visited India before English rule used the word `Hindu' or `Sanatana'. This is amply borne out by the Encyclopedia Britannica, which states :
" The term Hinduism ... [ was ] introduced in about 1830 by British writers. "
-- [ EB 20 `Hinduism ' 519 ]
In other words, the founding father of `Hinduism' is an Englishman ! Nowhere in the Vedas, Puranas or any other religious text prior to 1830 AD are the terms `Hindu' or `Sanatana Dharma' used. Not a single inscription contains the terms `Hindu' or `Sanatana' prior to the Muslim era. The myth that Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma existed prior to this has been discarded in many theological circles, and the fantasy that Santana Dharma is `One Religion' has been abandoned -

Also to note the term Hindu is not mentioned in any Hindu religious scriptures.

And note: anytime prior to the British the word Hindu was just a geographical term , nothing else.
